Thursday, November 28, 2013

Labi Longhouses

Labi Longhouses

Further down the Labi Road, past Kampong Labi itself, there are several examples of a form of dwelling unique to Borneo - the longhouse. A village under one roof, longhouses consist of a row of family houses - r doors - with a communal area running the length of the building. This is the social centre of the village. 

Rampayoh longhouse has 16 doors and is the nearest to Labi. Othersinclude Mendaram Besar, Mendaram Kecil and, at the end of the road, Teraja. They are populated by Iban folk - once feared as headhunters but now more given to pastoral activities. Visitors are always warmly welcomed. Etiquette requires that you take some small gifts, ask permission before entering and remove footwear before doing so. 

Several trails head off into the jungle along this stretch of the road. They are clearly sign posted and marked, and lead the walker to scenic waterfalls and hills in virgin primary forest. They are relatively undemanding and guides are not necessary, but for your own safety you are advised to seek local advice before settin
g off.

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